Saturday 17 May 2014

Piadina Romagnola

As a huge lover of "flat" breads (Mexican tortilla, Arabian pita bread or Indian chapati bread, etc.) I immediately fell in love with the Italian piadina. Moreover, it is a type of food that you can easily prepare and is healthy and creative. You can enjoy it with almost everything.

Italians traditionally prepare it with stracchino cheese and some (dried) prosciutto crudo. Personally, I prefer it with prosciutto di Parma, parmesan and arugula. I also really like piadina with caprese salad (mozzarella di Bufala, juicy tomatoes, basil, quality extra virgin olive oil and sea salt).

You can buy piadina in shops which sell Italian products (for example in Gran Moravia), in some better supermarkets or during the "Italian week" in Lidl. Naturally, I decided to make piadina at home, because it is everytime better!

In order to make four pieces (25 cm) you need: 500 g of flour (preferably Italian, type 00), 75 g of lard, 200 ml of milk or water, 6 grams of salt and 2 g of baking soda.
Mix the dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Then divide the dough into portions. Work every piece up and make a flat "pancake". Cook them on a pan, preferably  a nonstick or pancake one and you're done!

Make a round shape or you will have a funny piadina as I did :D

If you serve piadina as a side dish, I recommend pouring on it a bit of quality extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle it with sea salt.

If you keep piadina for later, I recommend before serving to cook it on a pan, preferably grilling.

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