Monday, 26 May 2014

Elderflower syrup

Finally, it's time! Elderflower (European elder(berry)) smells wonderful and now it is the best time to make a delicious syrup out of it.

What do we need?  Pick about 25 large elderflowers per liter of syrup. Keep in mind that of course you are free to add more if you prefer a more intense flavor. Remember to pick only  blooming flowers without beatles or insects.

Boil water for few minutes and then let it cool. When water reaches room temperature, add citric acid (approx. one tablespoons per liter of water) and add the elderflowers. Let it rest  for 24 hours.

Sieve the liquid through a strainer with a gauze or cloth in it and add sugar (1 kg sugar per 1 liter of juice).  Squeeze a bit of lemon if you prefer a more acidolous taste. Warm it up to 30-40 ° C.  As a final step, pour the liquid into the prepared sterile jars and close them. 

Elderflower syrup in  is especially healthy and people drink it to alleviate cold's symptoms. As an additional suggestion, you can even add it to tea as it helps if you suffer urological problems. It is also recommended for drinking to breastfeeding women.

Note: The syrup can be done without citric acid, only with lemon, but it lasts in the fridge for a shorter period of time. With acid it can be stored for a year.

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